Bringing you the most relevant results, all in one place

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Essential tools for organizations, teams, freelancers


Search and browse channels, conversations, messages, files, links, code snippets


Search and browse conversations, messages, files and links


Google drive

Search and browse your folders, docs, sheets, slides, forms and more



Search and browse your bookmarks and folders



Expanding to all your apps & devices

Don’t see your favourite tool listed here or have feedback on one of the current integrations? Let’s chat, we would love to hear the details!


Search and browse your meetings, links and calls



Search and browse your files and folders 



Search and browse projects, sections and tasks


Search and browse boards, lists and cards



Search and browse epics, stories and bugs



Search and browse your confluence pages and links 


Search and browse your Github content



Search and browse your calls and links shared in calls



Search, organize and share your docs from both your apps and your Mac from one place using hotkeys and the Mac desktop app


Search, organize and share your docs from both your apps and desktop in one place using hotkeys and the Windows desktop app


Search, organize and share your files and links on the go from our native iOS app




Search, organize and share your files and links on the go from our native Android app


Your content deserves to be found

Find all your content from one place. See How Haystack is used with our most popular integrations.

Filter for a spreadsheet in a Slack channel instead of scrolling for ages to find it

See what news articles and blog posts your colleagues shared across multiple Slack channels throughout the day

Quickly find and print a PDF in a Gmail that was sent to you many months ago

Locate a link from your colleague you can’t recall whether was sent to you in Slack or Gmail

Find your files quicker by filtering for its file type

Instead of asking a colleague where a document is find it based on your colleague’s name

Search Slack conversations, Gmail threads and GDrive folders associated with the same project

Browse old photos you and your family members shared with each other in Gmail

Search for a document based on author when you are not sure which folder it was saved to

Find the link to a movie your friend recommended to you a while back

Favourite a Slack channel you often finding yourself searching in

Find a document based on its message context

Instead of your colleagues asking you where a document is you shared they can find it based on your name

Filter for videos across all your connected platforms

Get instant update on the newest documents created in GDrive