A few years back we were brainstorming with some friends and colleagues about current challenges related to our work routines and how we could fix them — as we often do. We discussed different approaches, from tech-enabled approaches to changing our own habits. One of the problems that came up and were
When it comes to remembering information there are several factors that can help or hinder the process. Research suggests that people are more likely to
People are more likely to remember clues that are meaningful, relevant, or have emotional significance to them. Here are a few examples of clues that
In the last years as freelancing and remote work became more and more popular, new team collaboration tools are thriving on the market and your business may already use it. Productivity, sharing ideas and team communication are 3 major factors that businesses have to put their focus on and think about it. As COVID -19 brought many changes within (business) life, collaboration and chat tools became more important to use. Many collaboration apps got even popular in 2020: Slack, Microsoft Teams, Trello, Asana, etc. Nobody wants to spend more time with a long business email, they want to read a quick chat message which includes all the necessary pieces of information. Picking the right tool for our team, keep the productivity high, in these uncertain times is understandable.
You can use Haystack to connect your workplace tools with a few clicks and save everything said, shared or viewed across your company’s Slack, Gmail,
In this article, we are comparing two leading communication apps: Slack vs Teams. Which one is better for your work? Keep reading to get the answer you need.
The basic building blocks in Haystak are teams which are designated spaces for saving and categorizing information related to your company, client or school. A
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